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Thermometer ASTM 12C, range : -20 to 102 C/0,2
ALLA FRANCE 5950.012
IP 64C
Total Emersion
Lenght : 420 mm

NIST traceable A.S.T.M. thermometers.
A.S.T.M is an American standard.聽
These thermometers are manufactured according to the E-1 specifications of the American Society for Testing and Material (A.S.T.M.).

The colour of the glass of our A.S.T.M thermometers is standardized in yellow giving a much better reading than the white back, mainly for mercury filled thermometers. This is a quality choice even if the white glass is usually less expensive than yellow.

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2 tahun lalu


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trivi teknik

Geolocation IconKota Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta
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