Luas Bangunan (m2) | 212 | Sertifikat | SHGB |
Luas Tanah (m2) | 200 | Fasilitas | PAM |
Kamar Mandi | 4 | Fasilitas Umum | Keamanan 24 Jam |
Kamar Tidur | 5 |
Redefine Your Living and Meet Luxury at The Hill
Tipe Balmoral Standard
* Kavling 10x20
* LB. 212 m² / LT. 200 m²
* Rumah Mewah 2 Lantai
* 4+1 KT(1 Master Bedroom) - 3+1 KM - double Carport
* Harga mulai Rp. 3.012.490.000*
* Harga Include Ppn, BPHTB, AJB & IMB
* Subsidi Biaya KPR s/d Rp. 30 Jt*
* FREE Perlindungan Asuransi Ciputra Life*
* FREE Voucher Belanja Jutaan Rupiah!!!*
Best Investment - Best Location - EAsy
Access - Green Environment - Exclusive &
Prestigious Residential
Start Rp. 5JT*
B E N E F I T S:
* Prioritas Pertama memilih unit
* Launching Harga Perdana
* Blue Chip Investment bernilai tinggi
* Kemudahan cara bayar
- Tunai
- KPR Express
- KPR Cicil DP 6 Bulan
- Inhouse / Angsuran Bertahap 12-36 bulan
* S & K berlaku
Info lebih lanjut hubungi :
Djunaidi Pudjihartono - PropertyPro / No. HP (WA) 08124400405
Citraland Kairagi Manado,Balmoral Standard
Rp 3.012.490.000
Kota Manado, Sulawesi Utara
4 bulan lalu
88 kali
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